Fourth Sonic XG Preview Released
A fourth Sonic XG preview has been uploaded by Joseph Waters, also known as Nitemare.
Thought it’d been long enough to warrant a new teaser, I’m still slowly working away at it when I can. It’s still a little while away, however I’m really looking forward to just getting it finished now. Spent a good while recently going back to all complete zones, smartening them up and really trying to make each one feel unique. There’s very little left to do now in comparison to what’s done.
Wow! I hope to see at SAGE one year (if not sooner).
This game should be renamed do Sonic 4
wow dude i totally agree with the new sonic 4 i used to play the sonic xg demo 1
This Sonic fan game could potentially be the best one outside of LakeFepord’s trilogy. C’mon, this game should be completed by now because it looks great!