New Sonic Game “Sonic Dash” Confirmed
A couple of days ago there was a job listing from SEGA’s UK-based Hardlight studio, which is focused on creating games for mobile and portable platforms. The Studio comprises small, agile teams working on new IP & well-known SEGA IP….

Sonic XG Engine Test Build Uncovered
I was surfing the web and stumbled upon an old, yet surprisingly working link for a playable Sonic XG engine test build. Before the fan game was called Sonic XG, it was originally called Sonic Forever. Back in early 2005 the creator of the fan…

Small Sonic Classic 2 Update
There has been criticism towards Sonic Classic 2 in the past concerning the camera system. HezMan2000 has just revealed that he has installed the camera system from the latest Sonic Worlds build to the game. Sonic Classic 2 will also…

Sonic Before the Sequel Aftermath
LakeFeperd has released a new version of Sonic Before the Sequel which seems to mix in gameplay elements from the new Sonic After the Sequel. It’s quite different from the original version of the game. If you are eagerly awaiting…
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