SAGExpo 2014: Act 1 Announced
Despite a lot of effort from several individuals, SAGE hasn’t taken place this year. The plans for it somewhat fell through. With that being said, SAGE will be taking place early next year. Overbound administrator at Sonic Fan Games HQ and myself have been building up a site that will last for many years to come, easily reskinnable and ready to go. SAGE will be steadily taking place twice per year. The first act of 2014 will be taking place February 23rd – March 1st. Expect to see all of the features you’ve come to love from past SAGE events returning.
As usual, there will be an IRC chat accessible via SAGE’s interact page with the option to use an IRC client to connect.
Using WordPress’s powerful CMS platform, myself and Overbound have created a site which allows game authors to edit their game pages in real time. No longer will game authors have to go through the trouble of finding a server to host their booth on. We simply ask that you upload your game download elsewhere.
Somewhat similar to game pages, artists and content creators can upload their creations to their very own page on the SAGE website. Whether it’s music or images. You can also embed Youtube videos or link to offsite files to download. If you are a little confused of what content qualifies, simply contact us.
Also all pages now have a comments area so that authors can get feedback on their works.
If you would like to register for page(s) send the following to webmaster -at- sagexpo.org (replacing -at- with @):
Booth banner: 200 x 96
Your desired username and an email address for setting up an account to access and edit your SAGE page(s).
A description of the page(s) you would like to contribute.
We will then make the final decision based on how many pages your submissions require. All games receive their own pages. For other submissions we may ask for you to put your fan art and music on a single page. It depends. We will look at each situation individually.
Panels are returning this SAGE using Ustream. Panel hosts will be able to access the live video stream using Ustream tools to stream their computer screens or cameras.
If you are unsure of what panels are, let me explain. Panels are the biggest event at SAGE next to fan games. Panels will be hosted via the Ustream on the interact page next to the IRC chat. Ranging from game creation tutorials to game playthroughs, from game reviews to fan fic readings. If you would like to run a panel, send an email telling us about your idea to webmaster -at- sagexpo.org (replacing -at- with @).
The following panels have been announced:
Overbound’s Photoshop for Pixel Art and Level Art Panel
Spark’s Level Design Panel
Best in Show Awards
Thanks for reading. We hope to see you at the first act of SAGE 2014!
You can visit SAGE at http://sagexpo.org/
You can also discuss SAGE at Sonic Fan Games HQ or here at Sonic United’s forums.