Sonic Boom Wii U Trailer
A couple of days ago I showed you the Japanese trailer for Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal. Now there’s another Japanese trailer for Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric. After closely analyzing the trailer, it seems that Tails can create robots and Sonic can dash for a few feet. I was able to see Knuckles gliding but I’m not sure if this is only for scripted sections or if it can be done during normal game play. I’ve also been able to see the homing attack in action and it looks slightly different from earlier ones. It seems comparable to Soul Surge from Sonic and the Black Knight except you don’t run and time does not slow down. You’ll pause in the air but the enemies move at the same speed. Also, Tails can fly but only on special platforms that resemble the fans from Sonic Heroes. However, it is unknown what would happen if any other character would be on these platforms. But it could be somehow linked to Knuckles’ gliding. There also seems to be a submarine level somewhere on the game. Sorry to keep you waiting. Now here’s the trailer: