April Sonic Meetup Announcements!
The Sonic Tampa Union is just about to conclude in Florida, and what a turnout! The fun doesn’t have to stop in Florida for Sonic fans the world over. There’s no shortage of fan events that have been popping up…

Sonic Revolution 2014 – Special Guest Tommy Tallarico!
Sonic Revolution 2014 is less than three months away, and more news has come in! We’re proud to announce that composer Tommy Tallarico of Video Games Live fame will be a special guest at our event. Mr. Tallarico will be…

Sonic Revolution 2014 – Artist Alley Half Full; Special Guest Elson Wong!
Ogilvie reporting in with more Sonic Revolution 2014 news! We will be having another special guest this year, paying us a visit shortly before he has to leave the United States to return home to Australia. Elson Wong, also well…

Sonic Revolution 2014 – More tickets to be released March 8th!
Tanner “Ogilvie” Bates of the Sonic Revolution 2014 Staff here, with Sonic Revolution 2014 updates! Did you miss the ticket “sales” on the 1st? Don’t fret – we have 50 more tickets going up for grabs on Saturday, March 8th…

Sonic Revolution 2014 – Buena Park, California; June 15th
Greetings Sonic fans around the world! As the SAGE Expo continues, I bring news of another convention, Sonic Revolution 2014! For those who were waiting patiently for Sonic Revolution 2014, your wait is over. As a member of the Sonic…
Sonic Boom Animated Series Plus Video Game Revealed
The Sonic Boom animated series has been revealed, with new character designs and a short clip of the show. A Sonic Boom video game has also been revealed, with a game trailer.

“Year of Sonic” Event to Be Held Tomorrow
Earlier this morning it broke that several SEGA staff, from community team members such as Aaron Webber to game producers, had all made a flight into New York City based on their social media. The exact reasons they were there…

Hedgehog Day Fan Event News!
Greetings fellow Sonic fans around the world! Happy Hedgehog Day (it’s still Feb 2 in a few time zones as of posting this so I didn’t miss it entirely!)! While I let some of the news slip in various circles,…

January Fan Event Updates
Good morning, afternoon, or evening, Sonic fans around the world. A new year has started, and with it comes several planned Sonic fan events. Rather than having to wait for Summer of Sonic or Sonic Boom to get your fix…

TwilightZoney Working on Sonic Generations Sweet Mountain Port
TwilightZoney is currently working on porting Sweet Mountain from Sonic Colours for the Wii to the PC version of Sonic Generations. He says it’s work in progress and should get done soon. For those of you that don’t know, TwilightZoney is…

Tropical Resort in Hi-Res
Here’s a clear high resolution screen of Tropical Resort from the Wii version of Sonic Colours. There’s no HUD. The dimensions of the shot are 2560×1440. Right click the image, then hit “save as” to download.
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