Sonic Fan Events Update – October 25th
Normally I like to wait until the start of the month before doing big updates like this, but there are still several events upcoming this year and next, so I figured I’d do it early in the spirit of Sonic…

April Sonic Meetup Announcements!
The Sonic Tampa Union is just about to conclude in Florida, and what a turnout! The fun doesn’t have to stop in Florida for Sonic fans the world over. There’s no shortage of fan events that have been popping up…

Hedgehog Day Fan Event News!
Greetings fellow Sonic fans around the world! Happy Hedgehog Day (it’s still Feb 2 in a few time zones as of posting this so I didn’t miss it entirely!)! While I let some of the news slip in various circles,…

January Fan Event Updates
Good morning, afternoon, or evening, Sonic fans around the world. A new year has started, and with it comes several planned Sonic fan events. Rather than having to wait for Summer of Sonic or Sonic Boom to get your fix…

Sonic Globalka Discontinued; SuperSonicCon Announced
Greetings Sonic fans around the world! Ogilvie here with community event-related news. Sonic Globalka (or “Global Meeting”) has been a multi-day event held in Russia since 2005, predating Summer of Sonic and demonstrating that even a vast country like Russia…

Sonic London Winter Party (November 30, 2013) Recap
Hello everybody! Ogilvie here. As the PR guy (for lack of a better word) on the Sonic Revolution team and the community events guy (again, for lack of a better word) on the Sonic United team, it’s my responsibility to…

Sonic London: November Winter Party Details!
Greetings UK Sonic fans! Does it bum anyone out having to wait for Summer of Sonic once a year to be able to enjoy the company of fellow Sonic fans in a country as fond of Sonic as the United…

The Sonic Revolution: Events by the Fans, For the Fans Everywhere!
Hello Sonic United readers and Sonic fans everywhere! I’ve recently had the honor of being made a part of the Sonic United news team; I’m proud to announce that my focus will be on something of increasing frequency: fan events!…
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